Monday, 26 July 2010


The Bible is not a short book. It's not a particularly easy one either. But it is an important one. It's history and law and poetry and prophesy and biography and philosophy and guidance. It's a record of the covenants forged between God and His people. And above all it's a revelation of the beautiful awesome glorious nature of God.

I want to learn more of Him from the old covenant, and I want to understand the new covenant better so I can celebrate His promises and live the kind of life He asks for in return, and so I've set myself a task. I'm going to read through the Bible - Genesis to Revelation - and I'm going to blog as I go in the hope that it will help me organise my thoughts and be a springboard for further thought and study.

This isn't going to be an exhaustive guide to the Bible, and I'm not trying to present myself as any sort of authority, this will just be a record of my own personal musings.

I would love for you to join me and share this journey with me, and I'd love to hear your thoughts and your wisdom and your questions, because I'm not going to figure this out all by myself. So pick up your Bibles, get reading and get commenting.

Well then, here we go. Welcome to The Covenant Project...


  1. Sounds like a fascinating project Leigh, keep me posted on all your musings :)

    Do you have a separate blog for all your creative writing? Has there been any more news on Fran's War?

  2. love it....will read soon when im not so zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz xx
