Monday, 9 July 2012

An Announcement and a Request

I've really enjoyed getting back to this blog and some proper Bible study, but I'm increasingly coming to the conclusion that I'm only ever going to be able to write in fits and starts.  Each blog post takes one or two hours so it's a huge committment to make as an ongoing thing, especially when I have other demands on my time.   I'd rather cover an entire book in a concentrated burst then take a break than regularly blog a couple of times a week and lose my thread, so that's what I'm going to try and do.  I'm hoping to blog at least one book a month, but we'll see how things go.

Well that was the announcement, and now for the request.  I'd really love to know who reads my blog and what you think of it, so whether you're a regular reader or you've just stumbled by, why not leave me a message in the comments section and say hello?


  1. I read your blog fairly regularly. Then again I do get to see you reasonably often as well. . .

  2. And the more often you see me, the less regularly you'll get to read the blog...
