Tuesday, 4 August 2015

A Tentative Return

This blog has now lain dormant for three years, which is slightly frightening if I'm honest. In that time I have got married, finished my theology degree, and been accepted as a minister in training in the Baptist church.

I will begin my training next month, and I'm not yet sure exactly what my days will look like, but I'm hoping I might be able to carve out some time to get back to this blog, as it seems a good discipline to have.

I might dive straight back in or I might take some time to review and edit or republish all my posts up to this point as I'm sure some of my understanding will have changed already, so this really is a very tentative return for the moment and you might not see anything new for a while, but I'm hoping that by posting now I will be called to hold myself accountable to doing something.

So watch this space...

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